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Home » Taxonomic Browser » Lamiaceae » Nepetoideae » Ocimeae » Hyptidinae » Hyptis » Hyptis atrorubens - Poit.
Lamiaceae Taxonomy Browser
Hyptis atrorubens Poit.
EOL Text
Essential oils of the genus Hyptis contain thymol, camphor and citral.
Whole plant: Decoction employed as a cough medicine by the French Guiana Palikur. Stem and Leaf: Macerated in an infusion with manioc farina for a refreshing drink to calm upset stomach (indigestion). Leaf: Infusion of crushed leaves is drunk for persistent colds.
Common Names:
FG Creole: ti bombe noir, ti bombe rouge. Surinam: foegoefoegoementi, mintie, voekoe voekoe menti voe boesi.