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Pycnostachys Hook.
EOL Text
Annual or perennial herbs or shrubs. Leaves opposite or whorled. Inflorescence a dense terminal spike. Bracts small, distinct from the leaves. Calyx ± equally 5-toothed; teeth subulate, becoming spiny in fruit. Corolla 2-lipped; upper lip 4-lobed, shorter than the lower; lower lip relatively large, boat-shaped. Stamens 4, didynamous, lying in the lower lip. Style slender, shortly 2-fid.
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Rights holder/Author | Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings, Flora of Zimbabwe |
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Pycnostachys is a genus of plants in the Lamiaceae family, first described in 1826. It is native to sub-Saharan Africa including Madagascar.[1]
- Species[1]
- Pycnostachys abyssinica Fresen. - Ethiopia
- Pycnostachys angolensis G.Taylor - Angola
- Pycnostachys batesii Baker - Cameroon, Zaïre, Sudan, Uganda
- Pycnostachys chevalieri Briq. - Central African Republic
- Pycnostachys ciliata Bramley - Tanzania, Malawi, Mozambique, Zambia
- Pycnostachys coerulea Hook. - East Africa from Ethiopia to Botswana; Madagascar
- Pycnostachys congensis Gürke - Zaïre, Zambia
- Pycnostachys de-wildemaniana Robyns & Lebrun - East Africa from Burundi to Zimbabwe
- Pycnostachys deflexifolia Baker - Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda
- Pycnostachys descampsii Briq. - Zaïre
- Pycnostachys elliotii S.Moore - Zaïre, Uganda
- Pycnostachys eminii Gürke - from Cameroon to Ethiopia + Tanzania
- Pycnostachys erici-rosenii R.E.Fr - Zaïre, Uganda, Burundi, Rwanda
- Pycnostachys goetzenii Gürke - Zaïre, Uganda, Rwanda
- Pycnostachys gracilis R.D.Good - Angola
- Pycnostachys graminifolia Perkins - Tanzania
- Pycnostachys kassneri De Wild - Zaïre, Zambia, Tanzania
- Pycnostachys lancifolia Bramley - Tanzania
- Pycnostachys meyeri Gürke - western + central Africa
- Pycnostachys nepetifolia Baker - Kenya
- Pycnostachys niamniamensis Gürke - South Sudan, Kenya, Uganda
- Pycnostachys orthodonta Gürke - Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Zambia, Tanzania
- Pycnostachys parvifolia Baker - Zambia, Tanzania, Malawi
- Pycnostachys prittwitzii Perkins - Zambia, Tanzania
- Pycnostachys pseudospeciosa Buscal. & Muschl. - Zaïre, Zambia
- Pycnostachys recurvata Ryding - Ethiopia
- Pycnostachys reticulata (E.Mey.) Benth. - central + southern Africa
- Pycnostachys ruandensis De Wild. - east-central Africa
- Pycnostachys schliebenii Mildbr. - east-central Africa
- Pycnostachys schweinfurthii Briq - western + central Africa
- Pycnostachys speciosa Gürke - Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda
- Pycnostachys sphaerocephala Baker - Zambia, Tanzania, Malawi, Zaïre
- Pycnostachys stuhlmannii Gürke - central Africa
- Pycnostachys umbrosa (Vatke) Perkins - Kenya, Tanzania
- Pycnostachys urticifolia Hook. - southeastern Africa
- Pycnostachys verticillata Baker - Zambia, Tanzania
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Rights holder/Author | Wikipedia |
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