
AuthorsYearTitlesort descending
S. J. WAGSTAFF, OLMSTEAD, R. G., CANTINO, P. D.1995Parsimony Analysis of cpDNA Restriction Site Variation in Subfamily Nepetoideae (Labiatae)
H. Handel-Mazzetti1913Pentapleura, novum genus Labiatarum ex Oriente
S. Duletiae-Lauseviae, Marin P. D.1999Pericarp structure and myxocarpy in selected genera of Nepetoideae (Lamiaceae)
O. Ryding1995Pericarp structure and phylogeny of the Lamiaceae-Verbenaceae-complex
O. Ryding2010Pericarp structure and phylogeny of tribe Mentheae (Lamiaceae)
F. Mouhajir, Pedersen, J. A., Rejdali, M., Towers, G. H. N.2001Phenolics in Moroccan medicinal plant species as studied by electron spin resonance spectroscopy
Y. - P. Chen, Li, B., Olmstead, R. G., Cantino, P. D., De Liu, E. -, Xiang, C. - L.2014Phylogenetic placement of the enigmatic genus Holocheila (Lamiaceae) inferred from plastid DNA sequences
D. A. Steane, de Kok, R. P. J., Olmstead, R. G.2004Phylogenetic relationships between Clerodendrum (Lamiaceae) and other Ajugoid genera inferred from nuclear and chloroplast DNA sequence data
D. Steane, de Kok, R., Olmstead, R.2004Phylogenetic relationships between Clerodendrum (Lamiaceae) and other Ajugoid genera łdots}
N. Wink, Kaufmann M.1996Phylogenetic relationships between some members of the subfamily Lamioideae (family Labiatae) inferred from nucleotide sequences of the rbcL gene
A. Katsiotis, Nikoloudakis, N., Linos, A., Drossou, A., Constantinidis, T.2009Phylogenetic relationships in Origanum spp. based on rDNA sequences and intra-genetic variation of Greek O. vulgare subsp hirtum revealed by RAPD
H. - K. Moon, Hong, S. - P., Smets, E., Huysmans, S.2009Phylogenetic significance of leaf micromorphology and anatomy in the tribe Mentheae (Nepetoideae: Lamiaceae)
B. Drew, Sytsma K.2012Phylogenetics, biogeography, and staminal evolution in the tribe Mentheae (Lamiaceae)
C. Bräuchler2009Phylogenetische und taxonomische Untersuchungen an der Subtribus Menthinae (Lamiaceae, Nepetoideae, Mentheae) unter besonderer Berücksichtigung
C. Mathiesen, Scheen, A. - C., Lindqvist, C.2011Phylogeny and biogeography of the lamioid genus Phlomis (Lamiaceae)
C. MathiesenSubmittedPhylogeny and biogeography of the lamioid mint genus Phlomis L.
A. J. Paton, Springate, D., Suddee, S., Otieno, D., Grayer, R. J., Harley, M. M., Willis, F., Simmonds, M. S. J., Powell, M. P., Savolainen, V.2004Phylogeny and evolution of basils and allies (Ocimeae, Labiatae) based on three plastid DNA regions
A. J. Paton, Springate, D., Suddee, S., Otieno, D., Grayer, R. J., Harley, M. M., Willis, F., Simmonds, M. S. J., Powell, M. P., Savolainen, V.2004Phylogeny and evolution of basils and allies (Ocimeae, Labiatae) based on three plastid DNA regions
S. J. WAGSTAFF, Hickerson, L., Spangler, R., Reeves, P. A., OLMSTEAD, R. G.1998Phylogeny in Labiatae sl, inferred from cpDNA sequences
C. E. Edwards, Lefkowitz, D., Soltis, D. E., Soltis, P. S.2008Phylogeny of Conradina and related southeastern scrub mints (Lamiaceae) based on GapC gene sequences
C. E. Edwards, Lefkowitz, D., Soltis, D. E., Soltis, P. S.2008Phylogeny of Conradina and related southeastern scrub mints (Lamiaceae) based on GapC gene sequences
S. J. WAGSTAFF, OLMSTEAD R. G.1997Phylogeny of Labiatae and Verbenaceae Inferred from rbcL Sequences
H. - K. Moon, Smets, E., Huysmans, S.2010Phylogeny of tribe Mentheae (Lamiaceae): The story of molecules and micromorphological characters
C. E. Edwards2007Phylogeny Reconstruction and Conservation Genetics of Conradina and Related Southeastern U.S. Endemic Mints (Lamiaceae)
C. W. Lukhoba, Simmonds, M. S. J., Paton, A. J.2006Plectranthus: a review of ethnobotanical uses
C. Koukoulitsa, Karioti, A., Bergonzi, M. Camilla, Pescitelli, G., Di Bari, L., Skaltsa, H.2006Polar constituents from the aerial parts of Origanum vulgare L. ssp hirtum growing wild in Greece
M. Harley, Paton, A., Harley, R., Cade, P.1992Pollen morphological studies in tribe Ocimeae(Nepetoideae: Labiatae). I: Ocimum L.
H. K. Moon, Hong S. P.2003Pollen morphology of the genus Lycopus (Lamiaceae)
H. K. Moon, Hong S. P.2003Pollen morphology of the genus Lycopus (Lamiaceae)
P. Martonfi1997Pollen morphology of Thymus sect. Serpyllum (Labiatae : Mentheae) in the Carpathians and Pannonia
C. Lindqvist, Laakkonen, L., Albert, V. A.2007Polyglutamine variation in a flowering time protein correlates with island age in a Hawaiian plant radiation
C. Brauchler, Meimberg, H., Abele, T., Heubl, G.2005Polyphyly of the genus Micromeria (Lamiaceae) - evidence from cpDNA sequence data
N. Chandrasekhar, Sajeev, T. V., Sudheendrakumar, V. V., Banerjee, M.2005Population dynamics of the Teak defoliator (Hyblaea puera Cramer) in Nilambur teak plantations using Randomly Amplified Gene Encoding Primers (RAGEP)
R. G. Albaladejo, Aparicio A.2007Population genetic structure and hybridization patterns in the Mediterranean endemics Phlomis lychnitis and P. crinita (Lamiaceae)
R. Liu, Kong, L., Li, A., Sun, A.2007Preparative isolation and purification of saponin and flavone glycoside compounds from Clinopodium chinensis (Benth) O. Kuntze by high-speed countercurrent chromatography
V. C. Pence, Charls, S. M., Plair, B. L., Lindsey, K., Winget, G. D.2007Propagation and cryopreservation of Todsen's permyroyal (Hedeoma todsenii) in vitro
B. Esquivel2008Rearranged clerodane and abietane derived diterpenoids from American Salvia specks
H. E. Pedranzani, Quiroga, A. M., Martinez, E., Fernandez, E.2002Regeneration of entire Hedeoma multiflorum Bentham plants through in vitro cultivation
L. Whitfield, Richards, A. J., Rimmer, D. L.2004Relationships between soil heavy metal concentration and mycorrhizal colonisation in Thymus polytrichus in northern England
Kuntze1891Revisio Genarum Plantarum
O. Ryding2006Revision of the Clinopodium abyssinicum group (Labiatae)
A. Berger, Meinhard, J., Petersen, M.2006Rosmarinic acid synthase is a new member of the superfamily of BAHD acyltransferases
J. B. Walker, Sytsma, K. J., Treutlein, J., Wink, M.2004Salvia (Lamiaceae) is not monophyletic: implications for the systematics, radiation, and ecological specializations of Salvia and tribe Mentheae
H. Okada2007Speciation process of Salvia isensis (Lamiaceae), a species endemic to serpentine areas in the Ise-Tokai district, Japan, from the viewpoint of the contradictory phylogenetic trees generated from chloroplast and nuclear DNA
Sudarmono, Okada H.2007Speciation process of Salvia isensis (Lamiaceae), a species endemic to serpentine areas in the Ise-Tokai district, Japan, from the viewpoint of the contradictory phylogenetic trees generated from chloroplast and nuclear DNA
C. von Linné, Salvius L.1753Species plantarum, exhibentes plantas rite cognitas ad genera relatas, cum differentiis specificis, nominibus trivialibus, synonymis selectis, locis natalibus, secundum systema sexuale digestas.
C. von Linné, Salvius L.1753Species plantarum, exhibentes plantas rite cognitas ad genera relatas, cum differentiis specificis, nominibus trivialibus, synonymis selectis, locis natalibus, secundum systema sexuale digestas.
Q. Xiong, Fan, S., Guo, X., Zhou, X.2005Stachytarpheta leaf curl virus is a novel monopartite begomovirus species
J. B. Walker, Sytsma K. J.2007Staminal evolution in the genus Salvia (Lamiaceae): molecular phylogenetic evidence for multiple origins of the staminal lever


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith