
AuthorsYearTitlesort descending
R. M. Harley, Paton A.1994Lamiales Newsletter
R. M. Harley, Paton, A., Harvey, T.1998Lamiales Newsletter
R. Harley, Paton A.1992Lamiales Newsletter
R. M. Harley, Paton A.1997Lamiales Newsletter
R. Harley, Paton A.1993Lamiales Newsletter
R. Harley, Paton A.1996Lamiales Newsletter
R. M. Harley, Paucar A. G.2000List of species of tropical American Clinopodium (Labiatae), with new combinations
H. Suzuki, Nakayama, T., Yonekura-Sakakibara, K., Fukui, Y., Nakamura, N., Nakao, M., Tanaka, Y., Yamaguchi, M. A., Kusumi, T., Nishino, T.2001Malonyl-CoA:anthocyanin 5-O-glucoside-6"'-O-malonyltransferase from scarlet sage (Salvia splendens) flowers. Enzyme purification, gene cloning, expression, and characterization
T. Murata, Sasaki, K., Sato, K., Yoshizaki, F., Yamada, H., Mutoh, H., Umehara, K., Miyase, T., Warashina, T., Aoshima, H., Tabata, H., Matsubara, K.2009Matrix Metalloproteinase-2 Inhibitors from Clinopodium chinense var. parviflorum
A. R. Koroch, Juliani, H. R., Trippi, V. S.1997Micropropagation and acclimatization of Hedeoma multiflorum
M. Yamazaki, Gong, Z., Fukuchi-Mizutani, M., Fukui, Y., Tanaka, Y., Kusumi, T., Saito, K.1999Molecular cloning and biochemical characterization of a novel anthocyanin 5-O-glucosyltransferase by mRNA differential display for plant forms regarding anthocyanin
H. Meimberg, Abele, T., Braeuchler, C., McKay, J. K., de Paz, P. L. Perez, Heubl, G.2006Molecular evidence for adaptive radiation of Micromeria Benth. (Lamiaceae) on the Canary Islands as inferred from chloroplast and nuclear DNA sequences and ISSR fingerprint data
H. Meimberg, Abele, T., Bräuchler, C., McKay, J. K., de Paz, P. L. Pérez, Heubl, G.2006Molecular evidence for adaptive radiation of Micromeria Benth. (Lamiaceae) on the Canary Islands as inferred from chloroplast and nuclear DNA sequences and ISSR fingerprint data
P. Puppo, Curto, M., Gusmão-Guedes, J., Cochofel, J., de Paz, P. Luis Pére, Bräuchler, C., Meimberg, H.2015Molecular phylogenetics of Micromeria (Lamiaceae) in the Canary Islands, diversification and inter-island colonization patterns inferred from nuclear genes.
A. - C. Scheen, Albert V. A.2009Molecular Phylogenetics of the Leucas Group (Lamioideae; Lamiaceae)
J. L. Trusty, Olmstead, R. G., Santos-Guerra, A., Sá-Fontinha, S., Francisco-Ortega, J.2005Molecular phylogenetics of the Macaronesian-endemic genus Bystropogon (Lamiaceae): palaeo-islands, ecological shifts and interisland colonizations
J. L. Trusty, OLMSTEAD, R. G., Santos-Guerra, A., Sa-Fontinha, S., Francisco-Ortega, J.2005Molecular phylogenetics of the Macaronesian-endemic genus Bystropogon(Lamiaceae): palaeo-islands, ecological shifts and interisland colonizations
A. - C. Scheen, Lindqvist, C., Fossdal, C. G., Albert, V. A.2008Molecular phylogenetics of tribe Synandreae, a North American lineage of lamioid mints (Lamiaceae)
M. Bendiksby, Brysting, A. K., Thorbek, L., Gussarova, G., Ryding, O.2011Molecular phylogeny and taxonomy of the genus Lamium L. (Lamiaceae): Disentangling origins of presumed allotetraploids
C. E. Edwards, Soltis, D. E., Soltis, P. S.2006Molecular phylogeny of Conradina and other scrub mints (Lamiaceae) from the southeastern USA: Evidence for hybridization in Pleistocene refugia?
C. Braeuchler, Meimberg, H., Heubl, G.2010Molecular phylogeny of Menthinae (Lamiaceae, Nepetoideae, Mentheae) - Taxonomy, biogeography and conflicts
C. Bräuchler, Meimberg, H., Heubl, G.2010Molecular phylogeny of Menthinae (Lamiaceae, Nepetoideae, Mentheae)–taxonomy, biogeography and conflicts
Y. Salmaki, Zarre, S., Ryding, O., Lindqvist, C., Bräuchler, C., Heubl, G., Barber, J., Bendiksby, M.2013Molecular phylogeny of tribe Stachydeae (Lamiaceae subfamily Lamioideae)
L. O. Oliveira, Huck, R. B., Gitzendanner, M. A., Judd, W. S., Soltis, D. E., Soltis, P. S.2007Molecular phylogeny, biogeography, and systematics of Dicerandra (Lamiaceae), a genus endemic to the southeastern United States
L. O. Oliveira, Huck, R. B., Gitzendanner, M. A., Judd, W. S., Soltis, D. E., Soltis, P. S.2007Molecular phylogeny, biogeography, and systematics of Dicerandra (Lamiaceae), a genus endemic to the southeastern United States'
D. A. Steane, Scotland, R. W., Mabberley, D. J., OLMSTEAD, R. G.1999Molecular systematics of Clerodendrum (Lamiaceae): ITS sequences and total evidence
M. Kaufmann, Wink M.1994Molecular systematics of the Nepetoideae (family Labiatae): phylogenetic implications from rbcL gene sequences
M. Petersen, Simmonds M. S. J.2003Molecules of interest - Rosmarinic acid
N. Sammons2006Monograph of Monarda subgenus Cheilyctis
A. N. Schmidt-Lebuhn2008Monophyly and phylogenetic relationships of Minthostachys (Labiatae, Nepetoideae) examined using morphological and nrITS data
L. A. Prather, Monfils, A. K., Posto, A. L., Williams, R. A.2002Monophyly and phylogeny of Monarda (Lamiaceae): Evidence from the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of nuclear ribosomal DNA
K. L. Ringer, Davis, E. M., Croteau, R.2005Monoterpene metabolism. Cloning, expression, and characterization of (-)-isopiperitenol/(-)-carveol dehydrogenase of peppermint and spearmint
D. Kremer, Bolarić, S., Ballian, D., Bogunić, F., Stešević, D., Karlović, K., Kosalec, I., Vokurka, A., Rodríguez, J. Vuković, Randić, M., Bezić, N., Dunkić, V.2015Morphological, genetic and phytochemical variation of the endemic Teucrium arduini L. (Lamiaceae).
T. Dirmenci, Dundar, E., Deniz, G., Arabaci, T., Martin, E., Jamzad, Z.2010Morphological, karyological and phylogenetic evaluation of Cyclotrichium: a piece in the tribe Mentheae puzzle
Z. Bahcecioglu, Gjaerum H. B.2003New and rare rust fungi (Uredinales) from Anatolia (Turkey)
C. Braeuchler, Meimberg, H., Heubl, G.2006New names in Old World Clinopodium - the transfer of the species of Micromeria sect. Pseudomelissa to Clinopodium
J. K. Morton1998New names in Plectranthus (Lamiaceae) and allied genera from the Ethiopian region
D. H. FIRMAGE1973Nongenetic Variation of the Monoterpenes in Hedeoma
R. S. Irving1970Novelties in Hedeoma (Labiatae)
H. - K. Moon, Hong S. - P.2006Nutlet morphology and anatomy of the genus Lycopus (Lamiaceae: Mentheae)
H. - K. Moon, Hong S. - P.2006Nutlet morphology and anatomy of the genus Lycopus (Lamiaceae : Mentheae)
M. Özkan, s}, K. Akta{\c, Özdemir, C., Guerin, G.2009Nutlet morphology and its taxonomic utility in Salvia (Lamiaceae: Mentheae) from Turkey
P. D. CANTINO, Doroszenko A.1998Obtegomeria (Lamiaceae), a new genus from South America
L. M. Gao, Wei, X. M., Cheng, D. L.2003Oleanane-triterpene saponins from Clinopodium urticifolium
J. C. Barber, Francisco-Ortega, J., Santos-Guerra, A., Turner, K. G., Jansen, R. K.2002Origin of Macaronesian Sideritis L. (Lamioideae: Lamiaceae) inferred from nuclear and chloroplast sequence datasets
D. - S. Kim, Bae, C. - Y., Jeon, J. - J., Chun, S. - J., Oh, H. Woo, Hong, S. Gyu, Baek, K. - S., Moon, E. Young, Bae, K. Sook2004Paenibacillus elgii sp. nov., with broad antimicrobial activity
H. - K. Moon, Vinckier, S., Smets, E., Huysmans, S.2008Palynological evolutionary trends within the tribe Mentheae with special emphasis on subtribe Menthinae (Nepetoideae: Lamiaceae)


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith